The Killer Under The Bed

Once upon a time, there was a young girl who lived in a small town near Up State New York City. Her parents had to go out of town for a while, so they left her at home with their big collie dog to keep her company. Before they left, they told her to make sure all the windows and doors were locked.

The girl did as she was told and locked up everything, except for one window in the basement that wouldn’t close all the way. She tried her best to shut it, but it wouldn’t lock. So she left it and went back upstairs. To be extra safe, she put a dead-bolt lock on the basement door.

After having dinner, the girl went to bed around midnight with her dog by her side. In the middle of the night, she woke up at 2:30 and heard a dripping sound. She thought it was just the sink dripping and tried to go back to sleep. But she felt uneasy, so she let her dog lick her hand for comfort.

By day the workplace is bustling with life, but at night offices, hotels and restaurants become the domain of the supernatural and unexplained. Those who work the graveyard shift reveal their terrifying brushes with the paranormal while on the job. Image Courtesy Of Apple Services

This happened again at 3:45, but the girl ignored it She was slightly angry now and went back to sleep. She felt the dog lick her hand once more before falling asleep.

At 6:52 the girl decided that she had had enough of the dripping sound…it was just in time to see her parents arriving home. “Good,”she thought. “Now papa can fix the sink…’cause I know I didn’t leave it running.” She walked to the bathroom and there was the collie dog, skinned and hung up on the curtain rod. The noise she heard was its blood dripping into a puddle on the floor. The girl screamed and ran back to her bedroom to get a weapon, in-case someone was still in the house…..and there on the floor,  she saw a small note, written in blood, saying: HUMANS CAN LICK TOO MY BEAUTIFUL.

Now it is time for you to lock all the windows and doors. This did happen many years ago, and the man who killed the dog was never caught. Years after that night, she was raped and killed in the same town and same house as the dog. And now I bid you a good night and be sure to check under the bed before going to sleep.

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